Winter Pool Care

You may not feel like taking a dip in your pool during the winter but just because you’re not swimming in it doesn’t mean you should forget about it for 3 or 4 months.  Regular maintenance, including water testing, is really important and means a lot less work to do next summer!

Test your chlorine and PH levels every week.  Since the demand for chlorination is less during the cooler months, levels may not be enough to keep it clear of bacteria.  Algae can grow during winter as well if it’s low on the right chemicals.  Testing and making sure the levels are right can protect the pool coating too. Run the filter and cleaning system a few hours each week to make sure they’re running okay and not seizing up. Pool covers are great if you want to keep leaves, bugs and other debris out.  They also keep the water and pool chemicals from evaporating as quickly. 

Just remember to take it off every once in a while to air things out and to have a look at what’s going on beneath it. If you’ve got any questions, take a water sample down to your local pool supply shop and they’ll point you in the right direction!